Friday 13 April 2012

DIY: Making The Flowers

 Hi again! :) I'll show you tutorial about how I made my wedding bouquet.

All you need is: 2 different size bouquets ( I bought these from "Poundland" ) ; piece of mesh fabric ( I used a small tutu skirt from the children section at "Poundland" again; piece of white fabric; elastic; scissors; pliers and needle and tread.
Remove some of the leaves on the big bouquet - we're gonna use them later.
Cut with the pliers small part of the pink bouquet's end - I don't know why my camera showed it orange :) Then insert it inside the white bouquet.
Tie them together with the elastic.
Wrap the mesh fabric around the flowers. Then arrange  the big leaves, we removed earlier, on top of the mesh and stitch them together so they can hold on to it. With the white fabric wrap around the end of the flowers to cover the stitches and raw edges. And Voila! All that cost is £3! :)

I hope you liked it. Have an amazing day and I'll see you soon!

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